Odyssey has performed extensive planning for Fort Bend County MUD No. 162 to meet the needs of a rapidly growing area.  The District has four new developments with multiple phases in design or under construction, and Odyssey assisted the District in determining how to serve its growing wastewater needs efficiently.

Planning analysis indicated that WWTP 1 should be expanded from 0.30 MGD to 0.35 MGD.  Due to limited space, numerous iterations were reviewed for site layout, basin reassignment, and potential land and easement acquisition to see how much additional capacity could be achieved.  Odyssey analyzed the existing capacity and plant hydraulics to identify basins that could be reassigned, thereby minimizing construction costs while meeting the increased design flow. Construction activities included demolition, removal, and replacement of piping, relocation of an existing chlorine storage building, new concrete pads and rectangular basins, and construction of a 20-foot diameter clarifier.